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Ep. 61- An Intro to Acceptance and Commitment Training- Part 1

show notes Mar 21, 2022

Ep. 61- An Intro to Acceptance and Commitment Training- Part 1

This week, we are going to break down and have a conversation about acceptance and commitment therapy/training. Tarbox et al., wrote a great paper explaining a little bit about ACT and how it fits into the behavior analytic lense. However, such a large topic results in a large paper, so we are going to break this article up into two podcasts. The first one goes over how the basics of ACT work and how it fits into the seven dimensions of behavior analysis.

Tarbox, J., Szabo, T. G., & Aclan, M. Acceptance and Commitment Training Within the Scope of Practice of Applied Behavior Analysis. Behavior Analysis Practice 15, 11–32 (2022).

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