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Ep. 60- Teaching college kids to pour liquor?

show notes Mar 16, 2022

Ep. 60- Teaching college kids to pour liquor?

This fun article covers another application of behavioral skills training. This time, these researchers take to the college campus to try to help Frat and Sorority members pour accurate servings of beer. It seems like they hit quite a few roadblocks, and we are here to talk about them! This is a fun one, and another great application of our science past our little bubble.

Strickland, M. A., & Kohn, C. S. (2022). Behavioral skills training to teach college students to free-pour standard servings of alcoholBehavioral Interventions1– 17

*Correction- I thought that this article was from Behavior Analysis in Practice, but it is from Behavioral Interventions.

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