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About The Behaviorist Bookclub

“With all due respect Matt, are you really qualified to be her supervisor?”

There I am, sitting in a caregiver meeting, staring down two people with more years of education than I had on this green earth.

The topic? Why should they let me be the supervisor for their 3-year-old daughter?

It was basically my worst nightmare as a new clinician. I was desperately trying to get out of that meeting without embarrassing myself.

I give 20-year-old Matt a C- for that parent “training.”

Alright, before you get judgy, I know that I am not the only one who...

  • Is just trying their best to do damn good ABA while juggling all the crazy tasks they have to complete in this job.

  • Is terrified of coming off as either too arrogant or completely ignorant during caregiver or technician meetings when the questions start getting asked.

  • Is tired of running around like a chicken with no head from one client crisis to another, simply craving a bit of peace.

Hi, it's me, Matt.

I help exhausted behavior analysts find peace, clarity, and confidence. I have spent the last ten years in this field, learning what it takes to go from a 2-year burnout to an actual career, and I will share that with you.

Everyone thinks the answer to burnout, stress, and constant crisis is some magical protocol, antecedent strategy, or maybe even 4 hours of staff training a week. 

They are wrong.

Peace, clarity, and confidence all come from becoming a DAMN good clinician. Not good at passing a test, not good at designing a research paper, but a DAMN good clinician. 

So here’s the deal. You let me guide you through the process of becoming a clinician who is on the top of their game, with all their clients making consistent progress without severe behavior. If you give me that trust, I can help you...

  • Shut out the self-doubt when dealing with tough caregivers
  • Know the correct answers to those weird programming scenarios 
  • (Most important) Actually enjoy your job 

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